Cinecolor was a crappy stock…

… because it’s impossible to get a good transfer out of it. Believe me, I tried. What follows is the third attempt made at transferring my fairly ancient 16mm print of Doggone Cats, and it’s the best looking. It actually looks much nicer (and less blue) projected. The only cartoons that usually turn up on blue-track Cinecolor stock in 16mm are Iwerks and Van Beuren shorts from the mid-1930s. Finding a late 1940s Warner title is considerably harder.

By the way, in case you’re not a longtime reader of this blog, Doggone Cats is, irrefutably, the greatest Warner cartoon ever made.


Filed under classic animation

6 Responses to Cinecolor was a crappy stock…

  1. If only you had stated such a statement when I was on that weird-ass Art Davis kick years ago. ;D
    Even if it indeed could look better, the original opening looks fantastic here. Thanks for postin!

  2. Matt Yorston

    Better than even anything Chuck Jones ever did?

  3. Devon

    If you read Lloyd Turner’s interview with Barrier, he talks about the story meeting on this cartoon and how nervous he was.

  4. Ricardo Cantoral

    Doggone Cats is definetly in my all time top ten Looney Tunes films because it’s one of the few that has little to no dialogue and pulls of the pantomime brilliantly. Also just like Hubie and Bertie, this yellow cat and Sylvester are pyschological tortures.

  5. Bart

    One of Davis’s best – the ending is funny and of course, you gotta love the Emery Hawkins animation!

    How long did the transfer take, Thad?

  6. Awesome. Excellent cartoon. Wonderful animation and a very funny ending. Top-notch post.

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