Just to steal some of Tom’s thunder, I went up to Montreal to help curate a few 16mm programs for Halloween at Blue Sunshine this weekend and had a grand ol’ time. We screened the restored Popeye Meets Ali Baba as an added feature Friday night (don’t ask how I have that on film), and then a selection of the very best in Halloween-themed classic animation (all from my collection) Saturday before the main feature. Here is some crappy footage I took with my camera (the prints look a lot better than this makes them out to be, the YouTube compression doesn’t help) to give you an idea of what was shown. It’s more proof that you’re not getting the full effect of these cartoons if you don’t watch them in a dark room with a slew of other people you don’t know… the way they were meant to be seen.
Sorry I didn’t announce this, in case there were readers in Montreal who would have liked to attend (we had to turn people away, it got that crowded), but I’ll be doing more screenings in the near future…
(Thanks Oliver, Kier-La, and Dave!)
Lucky bastards. You guys got to watch cartoons, I’m forced to watch Paranormal Activity (OMG, a door’s closing! Terrifying!), and stay at home and deal with the little munchkins at the door.